Joy to the Nerd

Friday, December 22


This info comes from "Massive Change: The Future of Global Design," an exhibit at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago. Not usually the kind of show I enjoy - very text heavy, more like a science exhibit. But there were so many new technologies and outlooks on display; it made me feel a little less pessimistic about the future.
Here is a link:

Monday, December 18

Dudley P. Nutt

I saw this mascot on a package of Pearson's Nut Rolls today and it triggered an intense 5 minute laughing spasm - tears were running down my face, I had stomach cramps, and I had to hide the package because I needed to catch my breath. I can't quite explain why I found this so funny. I was imagining the people at the candy factory's graphic design department brainstorming and sketching this character. He's "On a Roll." Get it? Maybe I'm losing my mind.

Wednesday, December 13

Just Ducky

Monday, December 11

Sears Tower and Moon

I was lucky to get to spend three days in Chicago last week. Here's the view from my window at the Merchandise Mart Holiday Inn.

Friday, December 1


I just sent three paintings down to Miami for the Pulse art fair. Here's one.